Lotus Radiance Dharma Center of Bhutan
This Dharma center was established by Shambhala Studio under the supervision and teaching of Tulku Rabgay Rinpoche for the purpose of maintaining the original Nymapa Nintik traditional teachings passed down from Guru Padmasambhava and to disseminate these teachings to young Bhutanese as well as foreign visitors.The center has been especially approved by the Bhutanese government and received sixty foreign practitioners as the very first visitors to Bhutan after more than two years of non-tourist access due to the Covid pandemic. The center is currently the main project undertaken by Shambhala Studio requiring ongoing funding to support its teaching programs and prayers given to devotees and especially continuing prayer programs for world peace and re-energizing our over-drawn planet.

Lotus Radiance Dharma Center is entirely dependent upon the kind and compassionate donations of our supporters. All Buddhist statues, Thankas, and other ritual items are made by Bhutanese craft artisans and support goes to both the center and community simultaneously. In thanking each donor, plaques recognizing the donors together with thoughts of blessings for loved ones and the planet are included. Each plaque remains in our center beside the item donated and prayers are dedicated to our supporters daily. Donations may also be made for specific ceremonies and prayers, the removal of obstacles. A daily prayer practice of our center involves recitations to magnetize and recharge our now poorly depleted planet.