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Shambhala Studio wishes to thank Mr. William Lo, our producer, for his kind support over these years. Without his support, we could not bring you these productions.
Shambhala Studio is entirely donor supported. YouTube adds provide only the tiniest support after taxes and YouTube's share. We have many volunteers who are working hard to make everything possible. However, hard costs exist and we appreciate the kind support of anyone willing to help. We are dedicated to bringing you the best quality productions that we can and will endeavor to do so with the blessings of Guru Padmasambhava and the great lamas and yogis of the Himalayan region.
The following productions are now underway or on stack and open for support:
Feature Film: "LOTUS BORN MASTER: The Algorithm of Karma"
Feature Film: "LOTUS BORN MASTER: Journey to the Other Side of the Black Hole"
Documentary: "Searching for Bodhidharma"
Documentary: "The Shambhala Multi-Verse"
Shambhala Studio has established a Dharma Center in Bhutan led by Tulku Rabgay Rinpoche and a number of highly adept yogi practitioners. The Lotus Radiance Center will be organizing a series of ritual puja to benefit all sentient beings. The next puju for Vajra Kilaya to remove obstacles in 2023 will be performed at the end of this year before Losar, the Tibetan New Year. Donors will have their names and names of family and loved ones included in the ceremony and will benefit from the positive energy that will dissipate negativity. May all sentient beings be blessed. May the power of Vajra Kilaya transform negativity from the past year into positivity that will help all in the year to come. Thank you for participating with your kind offering.
Pay Pal: Donate Erweima. [Name of Donor ] [Name of Loved One to Receive Benefit]
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